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Recent News / Stuff From Our Blog
Sci:Pro Calculator v1.3.0 Released
A new version of Sci:Pro Calculator is now available in the App Store. Version 1.3.0 features a significant reworking of the internal user interface code to support new and upcoming iOS devices including the iPhone X. Many of these changes will not be visible to the user but the overall performance and functionality has been improved. This version has been designed to support iOS 11 but will work on iOS version 9.3 or later.
Sci:Pro Calculator v1.2.5 Released
Version 1.2.5 of Sci:Pro Calculator is now available. This version is a replacement for the recent v1.2.4 release that adds a fix for a problem with iPhone devices running with zoomed display mode. The update includes all the changes that were part of the last release including bug fixes, some minor new features, and full 64-bit code support for optimal performance on the latest versions of iOS.